Operation Rebel is a #communityradio station that focuses on broadcasting positive progressive messages, music and news about Detroit and beyond.
Operation Rebel is in its 12th year, starting out as a radio show on WESN 88.1, a college radio station of Illinois Wesleyan University in 2009. In 2012, Operation Rebel found a home on Detroit FREQ Radio and broadcasted through that platform until 2015. In 2016, #OperationRebel begun to broadcast independently through the magic of the inter-web.
Operation Rebel will offer a variety of programming including “Detroit Profiles.” Detroit Profiles highlights Neighborhoods in the City of the Detroit. The first episode showcases the Cass Corridor Neighborhood. The show is sponsored by Allied Media Projects (AMP) and can be found here: Detroit Profiles – Cass Coorridor From the Past to the Present.
[mixcloud https://www.mixcloud.com/OperationRebel/detroit-profiles-cass-corridor-from-the-past-to-the-present/ width=100% height=120 hide_cover=1 light=1]
Operation Rebel’s goal is to one day gain space on the dial. In addition to expanding our roles in the world of broadcast journalism, we are moving toward also embracing print journalism. Our website/blog is being overhauled to be able to offer stories and reviews on local music, art, projects, movements and organizations. A yearly publication will accompany the online station to advance our community journalism goals for the village building enterprise.
Please support us – listen!